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The Big Fat Surprrise
Written by Richard   
Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Interesting new book "The Big Fat Surprise" by Nina Teicholz.


Find it here http://thebigfatsurprise.com/

Welcome to UK Big People
Written by Web Master   
Saturday, 26 November 2011

Big People UK is the leading site for size acceptance in the UK.  In 1997 I originally set up a site called Big Girls UK, this site grew from the feedback I had from various people requesting a site to include men as well.  So from BBW in the UK it now includes BHM and FA's in the UK.

UK Big People is a site dedicated to those people who consider themselves big and for those who do not have a problem with big people. The main aim of the site is to support and give Big People of the UK a voice. It is also a site which will challenge peoples beliefs and demystify Big People. It is not a site for people who think being big is freakish or odd it is a site to show that Big People do exist and want to be counted and valued as members of the society they live in.

The site has many diversities to look at and for you the viewer to participate in. Please feel free to add to the site or if you wish send me an e-mail with your comments.

At present Big People in the UK have a very small voice which is often not heard or usually ignored. UK Big People wishes to give Big People a voice. This is your site dedicated to you... use it and fill it with you thoughts and feelings and any ideas you want to add.

After you have looked at the site please feel free to use our contact form with your comments, I do appreciate all your feedback.

Thank you for visiting Big People UK. To make this site work and represent you and your thoughts, feedback is vital and most welcomed. Click here to send us your feedback.


Last Updated ( Monday, 02 December 2013 )
UK Women are fattest in Europe
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 26 November 2011

According to the data agency Eurosat nearly 23.9% of women were recorded as obese in the year 2008 to 2009. Over 22% of UK men were classed as obese.

 They make the stunningly obvious observation that being overweight increases with age.

 Click here to view the article. The comments are quite interesting.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 26 November 2011 )
Fat Girls Float
Written by Richard   
Wednesday, 07 October 2009

A trailer for the film Fat Girls Float by filmmaker Kira Nerusskaya.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 07 October 2009 )
Ian Wright's Fitter Families
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 13 January 2009


Ian Wrights Fitter Families Now I am not one for advocating any faddy diet regimes etc, however I do believe in any changes in life to develop a positive effect is good.  So long as those changes are healthy and have no threat to health and can be easily taken on. 

Last week, on January 9th 2009 there was a book launched called 'Fitter Families' by Ian Wright.  So I initially though ‘another book of diets and exercise’.  On the surface it could be seen like that, but when reading deeper into the book it is full of commonsense and pointers towards looking at making life changes that can be manageable and achievable.  It does not bombard you with ‘YOU MUST DIET, YOU MUST EXERCISE’.  Now let’s be honest when someone says that to you it can be quite scary, I know it scares me and frankly can be quite off putting. 

This book shows you how you can make changes that are not off putting.Also do not be put off with the ‘Families’ bit, this does not mean the usual parent and children aspect.  A family can be a group of friends who are sharing the same common goal.So if you are looking to make some changes in your life I highly recommend this book. Click here for Fitter Families Website.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 07 February 2009 )
Marks and Spencer Letting Us Down.
Written by Jo   
Saturday, 07 June 2008
On a recent visit to Marks and Spencer's flagship store at Marble Arch I found they have stopped stocking sizes 26 and above.  Read the full item here.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 30 October 2008 )
Slimming Drug Acomplia EMA say risks outweigh the benefits.
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Acomplia, which is an anti obesity drug, has been licensed in Europe since 2006.  The European Medicines Agency (EMA) have found that it doubles the risk of psychiatric disorders.  Depression can be one of the causes.

 Read the report here

Last Updated ( Thursday, 15 January 2009 )
Strike Ballot over 'Fat' Fireman
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 17 July 2008

Kevin Ogilvie has been dismissed by Grampian Fire and Rescue after 22 years of service.  The ground were that he posed a saftey risk.  Deployment does not seemed to have been offered.  Again this highlights fat people's rights or the lack of.

 Read the report on the BBC website 

Last Updated ( Thursday, 30 October 2008 )
Change4Life campaign to be changed due to parents complaints
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Reported in the Telegraph13/01/08, parents of children who have type 1 diabetes felt the current advertising was not distinguishing between type 1 and type 2.
"Parents of children with type 1 diabetes criticised the Government's 'complete ignorance' for fuelling bullying by fostering the misconception that the condition is caused by being overweight."
Children who are fat seem to be having a raw deal of it.  With all the highlighting in the press these days will only fuel bullying.  We know there is a problem, but surely this needs to be handled in a more sensitive manner. 
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 22 April 2009 )
"Surgery is the only means to a healthy weight loss" says The Independent
Written by Jo   
Tuesday, 09 September 2008

A report in The Independent talks about bariatric surgery is the only way for people to reduce weight.  It also hits towards not just the very obese (I hate that word) to have the operation but also people who are over weight.  Frightening stuff really. 

At one point it is quoted that Dr Le Roux stated that the operation carries a small risk and that the longterm benefits are better the treating people with medication or life style changes.  The report does not say what the 'small risks' are.  These could be.

  • Potentially fatal risks include leaks from the stomach or intestine and embolism (blood clots). The chances of these complications occurring are between 1% and 2%. The risk of death associated with bariatric surgery is less than 1%.  

Early Risks

  1. Leakage of fluid from the stomach or intestine through the staples or sutures which results in abdominal infection. This potentially serious (but rare) complication usually requires a second operation for drainage of infection.

  2. Injury to spleen. This is a very uncommon complication which may require removal of the spleen if bleeding cannot be controlled.
Last Updated ( Monday, 19 January 2009 )
"Shouting abuse at fat people is not just fun. It’s socially useful"
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 18 July 2008

Rod Liddle at The Spectator reaction to Conservative Party leader David Cameron's claim that fat people are to blame for their own problems along with drug users and alcoholics.   Ron blurbs out hate and thoughts of violence towards fat people. 

 David Cameron: Fixing Our Broken Society

"We talk about people being "at risk of obesity" instead of talking about people who eat too much and take too little exercise. We talk about people being at risk of poverty, or social exclusion: it's as if these things - obesity, alcohol abuse, drug addiction - are purely external events like a plague or bad weather.'

"Of course, circumstances - where you are born, your neighbourhood, your school, and the choices your parents make - have a huge impact. But social problems are often the consequence of the choices that people make. '

Last Updated ( Thursday, 30 October 2008 )
The Sun Reports That Fat People Are Causing Global Warming
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
The Sun's headline on 20/04/2009 stated that fat people are to blame to global warming.  This is not the first time this claim has been made, click here to look at an old report from May 2007 on the Reuters site.  Again a case of scapegoating and picking on the fatties.  What next, let's blame the vegetarians for globle warming as they produce lots of methane gas from bean eating.  It is totally ridiculous.  
The myth that all fat people over eat and there for are to blame for increased CO2 gas emissions is utter tripe.  I think they sould be looking more towards the supermarket giants who constantly sell out of season food which have been shipped over from abroad.  Oh and not to mention all the packaging they use.  I wait for a report that says that it is fat people's fault that the supermarkets giants import all the out of seasons foods so they can eat it.  Click here to add your comments .
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 22 April 2009 )
Britains Next Plus Size Model
Written by Jo   
Friday, 11 January 2008

Do you have what it takes to be the definitive plus-size face of the UK?


Do you know anyone that looks stunning and deserves to be recognised as a high-end model?


Just As Beautiful Magazine (The UK's First Free Lifestyle Magazine Dedicated To The Plus-Size Woman) is looking to give a lucky plus-size fashionable lady a break into the glamorous world of modelling.


Look out for details in Just As Beautiful Magazine. To subscribe for your free monthly copies email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


If you are already a subscriber and believe you have what it takes to be 'Britain's Next Plus Model' , send an email with 2 good pictures of yourself to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , putting 'Britain's Next Plus Model' in the subject header to request for an application form.


You must be at least a size 20 and over 18 years of age!!


Just As Beautiful Magazine: The UK's First Free Lifestyle Magazine Dedicated To The Plus-Size Woman: www.justasbeautiful.co.uk

Last Updated ( Saturday, 18 October 2008 )
Obese blamed for the world's ills
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 16 May 2008
Constant sweeping reports of this type really do not help fat people and only reinforce societies attitudes towards them.  Please take a look at this articule and give any feedback about it in the forums
Last Updated ( Saturday, 23 August 2008 )
Nigella Lawson "this is normal size"
Written by Jo   
Monday, 10 December 2007

Nigella Lawson talked to Style - a magazine from The Times about how the 'fat police' had recently had a poke at her curves.  the article deserves a read and has a positive outlook.


Last Updated ( Saturday, 18 October 2008 )
Ryanair Proposals for a Fat Tax
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Reported in The Times on 22/04/2009 Ryanair propose to charge fat people more for flying with them.  The proposals are as follows:-

* Charge per kg over 130kg/20 stone (male) and 100kg/15 stone (females);

* Charge per inch for every waist inch over 45 inch (male) and 40 inch (female);

* Charge for every point in excess of 40 points on the Body Mass Index (+30 points is obese);

* Charge for a second seat if passengers’ waist touches both armrests simultaneously.

 The first two proposals one could question why are men being given a bigger allowance for size and weight.  this could be seen as sexist.  The third point in regards to BMI.  What if a person is very toned and muscular, which would cause an increase in their BMI.   The fourth point is just stupid, considering the seats are very slim indeed.  

This just seems to me as another way for Ryanair to make more money and just another 'let's pick on the fatties'.  On the other hand if your very slim will they allow you extra baggage to make up for the lack of weight?  I doubt it.  Click here to add your thoughts.


Last Updated ( Wednesday, 22 April 2009 )
Lucien Freud’s 'Big Sue' Portrait.
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 15 May 2008

Lucien Freud’s painted a benefits officer in 1995.  This is goign to be auctioned and is predicted to sell at around $35 million.

For further information click here 


Last Updated ( Saturday, 23 August 2008 )
Gavin And Stacey's James Corden in Heat Magazine
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 16 May 2008
Gavin And Stacey's James Corden poses for classic hunk pictures in Heat Magazine.  Posing in a David Beckham inspired pose.  Well done James, one for the BHM.  Go to the forums and add your views.
Last Updated ( Saturday, 23 August 2008 )
"Focus on healthy eating not sheding pounds" says Prof Steven Blair
Written by Jo   
Friday, 07 December 2007

A recent study carried out in the U.S. showed that healty eating and exercise is benifical for older people.  People were less likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol levels. 

For an abstract of the reserch go to http://jama.ama-assn.org/

Also see this report in The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2007/12/05/scifit105.xml

Last Updated ( Saturday, 23 August 2008 )
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