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Obese blamed for World's ills (1 viewing) (1) Guests
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TOPIC: Obese blamed for World's ills
Jo BPUK (Admin)
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Gender: Female Big People UK theempressjo cloud_away@hotmail.com Location: London
Obese blamed for World's ills 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 4  
Take a look at this report and please feedback you comments.

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When I read this report it made me feel angry and sad. Angry because it is not justifiable and just another fat bash. Sad, because yet again research being used to fat bash and making a sweeping statement and reinforcing peoples attitudes towards all fat people, in that:-

1. Constantly over eat
2. Do no exercise
3. Are lazy

What else are fat people going to be blamed for????
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Last Edit: 2008/05/16 18:06 By Jo BPUK.
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Richard (Admin)
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Re:Obese blamed for World's ills 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0  

I just laughed when I saw this.

This has to be the ultimate in "Greenwash" .

I suppose now Gordon will tell "Darling" to tax cream cakes.

Sounds like something out of Blackadder! You couldn't make it up if you tried.
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Jo BPUK (Admin)
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Gender: Female Big People UK theempressjo cloud_away@hotmail.com Location: London
Re:Obese blamed for World's ills 16 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 4  
The 'Fat Tax' has always been an agenda point. However if they do implement the fat tax it will be mainly the lower socio-economic who will suffer.

It seems that fat people are to blame to world shortage of food. Obviously nothing to do with food farming land now being used to grow vegetation for bio-fuels. Thereby creating less areas for food crops to be grown. This area has been highlighted in the new recently whereby there is a growing shortage of rice and basic cereals. These items are basic foods for a lot of the world and the reduced production is causing inflation of the price of these basics.

Well not's let point the finger at the gas guzzling cars and the profit mongers who obviously feel that transportation is far more important then people being able to obtain basic food supplies at reasonable cost. Let's just blame the fatties, after all they are to blame for everything.
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kyeblack (User)
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Re:Obese blamed for World's ills 16 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0  
I couldn't believe this report was even published. It's scientifically and socially ill-founded unsupportable.
In my experience, obese people don't generaly eat much more than other people, and saying that they're addnig to the food-shotage is laughable. They're just looking to rally more anti-fat followers.
The food shortage generally applies to vegetables and cereals...yes, you can definitely blame fat people for that. duh.

They're basicaly using the population's current concerns to try an turn a few more people into fat-haters.
The fuel for instance. Ye, the world is running out of fuel because fat people are harder to transport...nothing to do with the war then. How about the people that drive monster 4x4s in the city? What about kids refusing to walk to school and insist on being driven?

No, it's the fat people!

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